File Cabinet to appSheet cabinet

  • How do you visualize your data?

I have a file cabinet with drawers and folders and documents with paragraphs sentences and words and letters, photos, etc.

How do I visualize this with appSheet?

Do I need to wait for appSheet to have a fully functional database to be my file cabinet?

Basically wouldn't you want an endless file cabinet to store all your data in at once?

Then pull out copies of drawers to smaller file cabinets to work with only those files you need for that department or platform your working with?

So when you visualize your data is the database your file cabinet, your Google sheets workbook would be your file drawer and your workbook sheets are your file folders. Etc

Does this mean you should have a mindset of setting up your workbook sheets as tables in your app?

I don't want to recreate the wheel so I just would like to understand the mindset you use when working with your data and if you encounter problems when thinking about setting it up like an endless file cabinet?

I get easily confused when asking myself should all this data be on one sheet or multiple sheets or multiple workbooks.

And then I ask myself what can appSheet and Google sheets and appSheet database do?

I really dont understand what syncing abilities I have to work with across these three different products.

Can you have 10 different appsheet programs that sync with one appSheet database?

Can you have 10 Google workbooks that can sync to one appSheet?

And all the combinations or variations you may want to setup?

Any good videos on these concepts?

One thing I did notice is when you create a separate app program, appSheet decides for you that you want the photos in a separate folder.

What if this is not the case, what if you want all your photos in the same folder, because you want the path to remain the same.

In this case I see the photo data as a single item like a word made up of pixels instead of letters.

Normally this data would be on the document, but because the way photos are stored due to large file size it creates a problem on how I would normally store this data.

So the URL represents or references the photo. 

So I guess I need to imagine the photos as being their own file cabinet with a reference instead of a copy back to the larger amount of cells yet smaller size of physical data when separated.

I assume if you do video you would also want a separate cabinet for that?

Separate cabinet for audio?

What other things might you want to have a separate cabinet for?




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Actually, the documentation is the best place to understand what AppSheet does.

Forget about AppSheet Databases since it's just a beta feature being developed and GSheets is GSheets, it just can be a datasource where the workbook is a database and each worksheet is a table..

App design 101 - AppSheet Help
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