Filter Enumlist data with Slice

I have a table called "Libro de Asistencia" that has a column called "Asistencia Alumnos" which is an enumlist referenced to the "Alumnos" table.

The 'Asistencia Alumnos' column displays the RUTs of the students who were absent from class on that day (the RUT is the key of the 'Students' table)

Additionally, in the  'Alumnos' table that references the RUT of the Apoderado associated with each student.


The outcome in the 'Libro de asistencia' is as follows


The values in the yellow column are the (Rut ALumno key number from "ALumnos" table)

What I need is for a Apoderado to see the records of their Alumnos Ausentes when they log in to the application, hopefully using a slice, so that I can direct the view to that specific slice.

Something like this:



1 3 51

You can create a slice, or uses a security filter, along with USEREMAIL() to get those values. You will just need to have some sort of reference to the Alumnos table where I assume you have the Apoderado email 

Thanks, but , I need to filter the 'Libro de Asistencia" table, which has no reference to Apoderados (in order to obtain the email). 

The reference is in the enumlist with the 'Alumnos' table, which has the value of the Apoderado's RUT


I am not familiar with how Enum columns of type ref behave, so this probably won't work, but you could try:

  1. A slice on the Alumnos table where [Rut Apopderao].[Email]=USEREMAIL()
  2. A slice on the Libro de Asistencia table where IN([Asistencia],AlumnosSlice[Rut ALumno])

This is using a list in IN() to lookup in a list, so I am thinking it won't work, but maybe it'll spark some ideas.

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