Filter record in Table A with From date and To date of Table B

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Hello everyone 

I have two table named:



I am trying to give a condition in slice for Booking table 

Booking table has a column Date

Filter table has the column From date and To date 

What I am trying to achieve is I need to filter the booking table row where the Date matches the From date and To Date 

I need the booking table row to filter between the from date and to date  

Please help me with the expression 

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For a Slice, you only need an expression that "tests" if the row should be included or not.  So you  simply need the filter portion of the SELECT:

AND([Date] >= ANY(SELECT(Filter[From Date], TRUE)),
    [Date] <= ANY(SELECT(Filter[To Date], TRUE))


View solution in original post


It's important to know where, in your app, you are trying to apply the filtering. 

If you are showing an Inline table of Bookings in your Filter Form or a Filter Detail view then the expression would be:

SELECT(Bookings[Booking ID], AND([Date] >= [_THISROW].[From Date], [Date] <= [_THISROW].[To Date]))

If instead you're showing a filtered Booking view then you will need to select the dates from the Filter table.  You haven't described how you are creating filters.  You could be saving and naming filters or you could be using just a single row to set temporary filter conditions.  For the below, I'll assume the later - there is only a single row with temporary dates for the filter.

The expression in this case might be:

SELECT(Bookings[Booking ID], AND([Date] >= ANY(SELECT(Filter[From Date], TRUE)),
                            [Date] <= ANY(SELECT(Filter[To Date], TRUE))

I purposely used expressions ANY(SELECT(Filter[From Date], TRUE) to point out that you can replace "TRUE" with any filtering criteria you need to select specific Filter rows when there are many to choose from.

@WillowMobileSys Actually i am trying to use in Slice ,i showing below error


Can you suggest here?

For a Slice, you only need an expression that "tests" if the row should be included or not.  So you  simply need the filter portion of the SELECT:

AND([Date] >= ANY(SELECT(Filter[From Date], TRUE)),
    [Date] <= ANY(SELECT(Filter[To Date], TRUE))


@WillowMobileSys Thank you so much 

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