Filter table view from selected row of same table


Hello, I am trying to build out an inventory app. I want to use the Dashboard view to quickly order products. I have a table for Active Styles, and Current Inventory. Style Colors is a slice of Current Inventory Table to only include the unique values of the color options. When I select a row in Active Styles, it filters the other two views to show data related to that style, however, when I click on the Color, it does not filter the Current Inventory view. In the example above, I would love to only display the sizes related to the selected color. I'm assuming I can do this with a filtering formula in the slice, but not sure if that's the best way to do it? I tried something like [_THISROW].[Color Name] = [Color Name]


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It looks like you need to add double sens reference in your app.

Try adding a new virtual column in Current Inventory that is referenced to Active Styles. As a formula, list all the items in Active Styles that are using the color of the row. 

As example : select(Actives Styles[Color], [Color] = [ColorName] )

Or for the sizes select(Actives Styles[Size], [Color] = [ColorName] )

ralejo_0-1677082521572.pngThanks for the response. Here's how my table Current Inventory is structured from my API call. Style Colors is a slice of Current Inventory defined by ([_THISROW] = MINROW("Current Inventory", "_ROWNUMBER", ([_THISROW].[Style Option] = [Style Option]))). [Style Option] is a virtual column that combines Style name and Color name.

Would I need to restructure the data into separate tables instead of one table and using a slice? I'm not sure if the dashboard views only react to reference columns, or if it could be achieved through filtering somehow. I could restructure it like this if I need to, where the [Style Option] points to the key in this new table, but I'm trying to avoid having to create another table and recoding the API structure.






@ralejo wrote:

I'm not sure if the dashboard views only react to reference columns, or if it could be achieved through filtering somehow.

As you have multiple categories to filter (size, color), you might need to use a filter table, so that you won't have to restructure your data. 

See :

Solved: Dashboard from one table

Slice based on user input 



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