Filter view by date

Hi there,

I need help. 

I intend a view that shows total income and total expenses, using a preview where I set the filter by date.

I have a table called : Cash Control.   In this table, the columns:  Type (Incomes or Expenses), Amount and Timestamp.   I added two virtual columns called: Total Incomes and Total Expensive.  I used this expresion to calculte total Incomes and other similar to Total Expensive: 

                      [TypeID] = "Incomes"

View: Filter 


View:   Total


The case:  Every time that I set date, the totals dont change, always it keep the according sum of incomes and expensive of the data in the column

I appreciate any suggestions you can share.

0 12 313

Confirm what data the Total view is based on. Somewhere, you need to reference the selected dates in filtering the data.

Hi dbaum,

Yes I did it

I have a behavior, this one has a references to Timestamp.  




@HguillenA wrote:

I have a behavior, this one has a references to Timestamp.

I don't understand.

I suggest share screenshots of configuration of your Total view and the columns in the slice or table that view is based on.

Hi dbaun, 

1. Table1:  CashControl with virtual columns: Total Incomes, Total Expensive.  


This table has TypeID (user can select Incomes or Expensives), amount and timestamp

2. View: Cash Balance.  This is main goal.  I have other view, I use it to set range date and I need that the Total Incomes and Expensives change according range date selected


3. Table2: Date Range.  With this table I have a Behavior


4. Behavior.  



LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Cash Balance",AND(DATE([Timestamp])>=[From],DATE([Timestamp])<=[To]))

Note: Cash Balance is the view with the totals

5.  I use the bejavior in a view called Balance.  In this view I set the range date


What is my case?  when I set any range date.  Total Incomes and Expensive is always the same value:  sum of all data according with the criteria, no filter the date

Thank you for your time



If the columns displayed in #2 are the columns you describe in #1, that's where your issue is. The expression you show in #1 sums all rows. You can change that expression to instead sum only rows within the selected date range.

FYI: The LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() function only filters which rows are displayed in a view--not which rows are referenced in the table's expressions.

Hi dbaum,

Thank you for your time.

I dont get it.

I did a test. In view of 2, I removed the columns (Total Incomes and Expensive) and added others from the same table, Example: timestamp. I changed the view type to Table. In this way, the data is filtered according to the date range that you want to configure

What topic can I study to do what you suggest?

"You can change that expression to instead sum only rows within the selected date range."




@HguillenA wrote:

What topic can I study to do what you suggest?

As @daviddlaa suggests, see SELECT.

Hi, please share this project, too me. Thank you!😍


utiliza otra tabla con las marcas de fechas: 

luego haga una colunma virtual y en ella pon la siguiente formula:

sum(select(CashControl[Cantidad], and([fecha de cash control]>=[_thisrow].[fecha de filtro],[fecha de cash control]<=[fecha de filtro])))

es lo que yo haria, luego haga lo mismo para sumar los ingresos:

sum(select(CashControl[ingresos], and([fecha de cash control]>=[_thisrow].[fecha de filtro],[fecha de cash control]<=[fecha de filtro])))

eso me ha dado resutados, confirme si se pudo, saludos desde Ecuador!!!

Gracias daviddlaa,

Voy a probar


Hice varias pruebas atendiendo su propuesta.  pero no lo logre resolver:

1. La tabla que sufieres hacer.  Es una tabla para Filtros de fecha con una columna de fecha inicial y fecha final?

2. Desde esa tabla, hacer las columnas virtuales "llamando" los datos de la tabla cash control?


1. corrijo la formula : 

sum(select( CashControl[Cantidad], and([fecha de control de efectivo]>=[_thisrow].[fecha de filtro de inicio],[fecha de control de efectivo]<=[fecha de filtro final]) ))

sum(select( CashControl[ingresos], and([fecha de control de efectivo]>=[_thisrow].[fecha de filtro de inicio],[fecha de control de efectivo]<=[fecha de filtro final]) ))

2. esta columna virtual la tienes de crear desde la tabla del filtro que ya la tienes creada.

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