Filtered dynamic dashboard for an athlete app

Hi community, 

I'm seeking to create a dynamic dashboard that displays information from other views (i.e. cards, tables, charts etc) specific to the selected athlete from an athlete list. 

I don't really want to create data slices as there is over 200 athletes , but instead I have been looking into LINKTOVIEW with parameters and LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW but with no luck as yet. 

Currently, I have added chart views and notes to the athlete "detail" view but this is starting to look untidy with so much information, plus the dashboard view on desktop is much clearer. 

The column for the unique username used across the app to connect views is "newid".

I have attached some screenshots.

  1. The first is the list of athletes view
  2. Second is the dashboard view I'd love to link to by selecting an athlete (but with data only specific to the selected athlete)
  3. Third is a another option we could go for - this is an athlete detail view after selecting an athlete with actions available to then go to dashboards specific to that athlete. 


Thank you so much for taking the time read and I truly appreciate your time and effort. 






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You could create a dashboard with desired views and one filtering view in the dashboard. The filtering view necessarily selects the athlete(s) and based on that the data for the  selected athlete(s) is shown in other views. Other views are based on slices and the slices in turn filter the data based on the filter selected by user. 

@DirkDirk wrote:

I don't really want to create data slices as there is over 200 athletes ,

If there are 200 athletes does not mean you need to create 200 slices. In general for dashboard purpose , you may need as many slices as different views in the dashboard. So if there are 5 views in the dashboard, you will in general need 5 slices. Each slice will filter data for those 200 athletes based on selection in the filter view.

Please take a look at the sample app below from the article Get started by using the sample apps - AppSheet Help

. It has a dashboard that selects chart values based on user input. However this sample app is simpler, just for one user. In a multi user system, the app will need to "remember" ( meaning store in the backend table) the selection of each app user. So you will need a Users table with one record per each user to store the selection for each user.

Slice based on user input - AppSheet

Note: Your requirement is more towards an approach for app design. It is not possible in a community post to know all app design goals based on just some description in the post. So please treat the suggestions in the community also as general directional suggestions and not as firm way to go forward. Please evaluate thoroughly at your end.


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