Form to excel template

I have created my spreadsheet with all of the questions I need to be answered. I then want to have the system create a new document/template for every row/ form fill, then I would like the data to be used to add to a cell in sheet #2 (I can do this with template setup). Once it is created, I would like to be able to attach that data to an email and send out. 

I have created the app, the template for the email now I just need to have the system create the xls sheet and attach it to the email to be sent. I'm having a bit of confusion on how to get the data to the new xls sheet.

Does it automatically create a new document/xls when saving with the file name that I have setup?
If so how can I have the new document be an attachment? I just need a bit of guidance on how to get this setup once. I've just learned about these child tables, would this be required to get all of this done?

Thank you so much for any help you can give, I'm not a coding expert so I'm having a bit of trouble.

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I suppose a good starting point is the subject of using templates in Automation (

The way Appsheet generates a file is by using an Automation Bot. 

For example:


If you are not familiar with Automation I suggest you check the documentation on how Automation works. In a nutshell you must configure an Event condition. When the condition becomes true, then it will run a Process and within it several tasks.

In the example above when a value is set to True (a column value of a specific row and table) it will run a task that sends an email using a template. Then after sending an email it will set the value we are watching to False.


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