Generate a report per user

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


I have created an expense report app.  I have a table that logs in the users destinations, distances, etc.  The last column is named [Employee] and its filled by the USEREMAIL() value. How do I genereate a report based on useremail?

I created a bot that is triggered on the 5th of each month.  It runs a “create file” task.  Everything works fine.  The PDF is created with the records of the past month only using this Start Expression

<<Start:Select(Mileage[ID],AND([Date]>=EOMONTH(TODAY(), -2) + 1,[Date]=<EOMONTH(TODAY(), -1)))>><<[Date]>>

However it only creates one report for myself (my account that I used to create the app). How can it create the reports for the other users? Example 3 users = 3 separate reports.  I tried adding the criteria [Employee]="" to the AND fuction but it does not seem to do anything

I do use the security filter [Employee]=USEREMAIL() in the table settings so that only the user’s records are show in the app.  Perhaps that’s my problem? 

Thanks in advance,

0 1 67

I believe your expression will create a report for all expenses of all users, but since you have a security filter, each user will see only his part in the generated report. 

You can test this in the Editor by entering another email address in Preview app as field under the app preview. 

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