Ghost Sheet formula

Weird bug. I'm trying to simply add the HERE() formula to calculate the initial value of LatLong. I get this error:


Column Name 'LatLong' in Schema 'Observations_Schema' of Column Type 'LatLong' has a 'Sheet Formula' so the column is being marked 'Read Only'.
But there are ZERO formulas anywhere in the source Google Sheet. I verified this by selecting the entire sheet, selecting View and Formulas.
I have made many apps and never had this problem. Advanced thanks for any ideas.
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Have you checked if there is an expression in 'Spreadsheet formula'?



If there is a sheet formula does the column setting in Appsheet reflect that?


Did you double check the Spreadsheet to make sure that is not a calculated column in the spreadsheet? If by chance you are using a separate Lat column and Long column did you by chance combine them in the LatLong column by using concatenate formula in the spreadsheet?

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