Google maps/ business info


I have a list of businesses in a city . My goal is to automatically keep this businesses updated as far as operational status goes . I am mainly looking to see if it is open , closed or permanently closed . This automation would save a lot of time as opposed to having users verifying business data . 

If search returned permanently closed, it would set my business to Archived and if open, keep the setting to operational. 

is there a way to do this ? I would even take a CSV file to cross reference.


I see info online about web scrapers but they look kinda sketch . 

thank you 

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You'd have to use Google Maps API (pay) or similar, to retrieve the "Place" information, and process the response with an Apps Script, launched from your app

Hi @Shock,

Were you able to find a solution?

I'm also interested in scraping the details of a place from google maps.

Thank you,

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