Governance Policy - What can we actually do, what we cannot ?

Hi All,

I've seen some few posts (but unfortunately not that much answers) regarding Governance Policies and more specifically the custom ones. 

Based on the documentation, it's said "Select the AppSheet component impacted by the custom policy. Almost every aspect of the app definition can be governed by policies".

Once this said, I would like to know if any know a more exhaustive explanation of what can be done, what cannot.

Let's take some few example : 

  • I would like to ensure every app created in MyTeam can only connect to some specific DataBase
  • I would like to ensure every app created in MyTeam require a domain authentification
  • I would like to ensure every app created in MyTeam is not shared Publicly 
  • I would like to limit the templates (for instance  available for creating a new app in my Team


Anyone would have anything more exhaustive infos to share related to Governance and custom policies ?


Many thanks !

2 14 322

+1 for this topic,
It could be great to know the list of components that can be defined in the policies.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @PaulTRYBE 

I didn't see your post earlier, fortunately @Corentin_Dal_Fa bumped it.

I have been confronted to this question in the past (still, actually 🙂 ). I had a contact who gave me an exhaustive list of criterias, I don't know if I can share it publicly as it is pretty big/maybe confidential. I will ask and let you know.


1) I can say that:

- template policies have pre-selected component. You may pick some and reuse it according to your needs.

- custom policies...don't have pre-selected component

2) I can suggest these:

  • I would like to ensure every app created in MyTeam can only connect to some specific DataBase
    • component Tables, condition:


  LIST("Restr_DS_0", "Restr_DS_1")


  • I would like to ensure every app created in MyTeam require a domain authentification
    • Component Security, condition




(this assumes you made an auth domain source available to your team)

  • I would like to ensure every app created in MyTeam is not shared Publicly 
    • Component AppsSettings, condition:




[isPublic]= "false"



  • I would like to limit the templates (for instance  available for creating a new app in my Team
    • no suggestion for this one.

Attn @Rich_E @Steve @Aleksi @lizlynch 

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Breaking news: I got the information that some detailed information is about to made public 🙂

Hi @Aurelien 
Thank you for sharing these information, I now understand better the way it works but a detailed documentation from Appsheet could be useful.

That's great, thanks for the answer @Aurelien 

Can't wait to get the public documentation regarding this key topic to envision AppSheet at scale.


is there any news relates to this topic? I am quite interested in good practices around Appsheet governance.

Thank you!


Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

There was a webinar for enterprise public lately, sharing good practices and governance.

I'm waiting for having the replay available since.

@Rachelgmoore@cschalk_ws  any news about this replay?

Thanks for noticing the Webinar! 🙂
I'm not 100% sure the replay can be published, but we'll check into it and try to repost if possible!

We are enterprise clients, but we NEVER ever get invitation......

Pity. Discremination?  

I received some kind of invite through a newsletter. Didn't you?

never ever.  We presume only the selected personnel (soft) clients could receive such while (hard) like me, will not get. Google's algorithm. Clever.

I'm not sure about where invitations are posted (via newsletter or otherwise), but I can confirm they are always posted under the "events" tab in Community.

Hi all -- we hear you! To that end, I wanted to share a new help article we just posted to address this specific question: Condition expression reference for governance policies. This article lists the column names that you can include in the Condition expression when defining governance policies.

Hope it's helpful!

At last ! Yepeeeeeeee 🍾

If I may, i would add a comment: some examples are very welcome 🙂

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