HELP! Use QR code to jump to new view - LINKTOROW or LINKTOVIEW

I have an inventory management app that has a QR code linked to each product ID. I want our manager to be able to easily scan the QR code, pull up the inventory info, and edit the quantity level. I currently have a form set up with the "Product ID" field that automatically deploys the camera when clicked. 


I've tried LINKTOROW and LINKTOVIEW actions for the form, and when I scan the QR code, it gives me the error "There is already a row with the key 'x'". I don't want to edit or add a row, I simply want it to bring me to the inventory details for that specific product.


Please help.

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You need another table just to be able to do what you want.

A form is a way to add or edit info, if you are using it on the same table that has the data you are looking for, you are basically adding or editing that row.

Create a new table and add your "scan" there

Can I use LINKTOVIEW() to bring me to the Product Details page that I'm trying to navigate to? I basically just want a scanned QR code to act as shortcut path to my end destination. 

You need another table just to be able to do what you want.

I'm confused how I should structure that table? What columns do I need to have in the table (if any)? This is just a data capture table?

You can scan directly from the search bar on a table view of products, click the product, edit the quantity.

Yeah - I see that, but I'm trying to remove a few clicks from the process as we are scanning thousands of items per month.

I think the fastest way would end up being a linktorow there the view is a detail view and the link is on the QR Code so that your users can scan it with any camera that supports QR scanning

I too have the same problem. The scan feature doesn't find the barcode because the barcodes sometimes are different across different items. We have medical devices and it is easier for me to extract a portion and search on that extracted portion. Unfortunately the search bar doesn't provide that ability.

This doesn't sound like the same problem at all.

Searching for an exact match versus a partial match would certainly be an issue if you don't specify which matching method to use. You can look something up via partial match with CONTAINS()

Oh, ok. Then you'd need to do something like what Oscar is suggesting. A separate table that you're adding records to, that just looks up info in the main table, and allows input of the quantity adjustments.

okay, I can do that. One last question - how would I auto-populate the product Description in the form based on the Product ID being populated by the scanned QR code?

I have a form named "Scan" and an action that calls the following:

LINKTOFORM("Scan", "Product Description", LOOKUP("_THISROW", "JIT Inv", "Product ID", "Product Description"))

My master table name is JIT Inv.

It's still not pre-populating the product description. What am I doing wrong here?

Thank you for all the help!

Try reading the help doc more carefully.

I tried adding a [_THISROW].[Product ID] as the first parameter in the lookup() function and it's still not auto-filling the Product Description field. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. 

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