Hello everyone I have a question I am creatin...

Hello everyone I have a question I am creating an app to have a student control and I am using identity code (ID) per student and the IDs are “ADI001, ADI002, ADI003 …” and I use it in reference (ref ) in a column previously created, but they are more than 100 students and when entering a new students all the Ids already created appear as I can do so that only the (Id) appear in the detachable list, of the students that have not been used or Entered. I hope you have explained me well.

Could a restriction be entered? any comparison of lists?

Colum SHEET 1name=Data_of_students[ID] ColumnA=STUDENT’S NAME ColumnB=Age ColumnC=Parents ColumnD=Etc…

SHEET 2 Name = ID_ADI[ID] ADI001 ADI002 ADI …

The ref sheet 2 = ID_ADI COLUMN A= ID

for example I have the following [ID] ADI001 ADI002 ADI003 ADI004 ADI005 ADI006 ADI007 ADI008 ADI009 ADI010 if you already enter the ID “ADI001” “ADI002” “ADI003” that only appear in the other [ID] ADI004 ADI005 ADI006 ADI007 ADI008 ADI009 ADI010

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If I have understood your request correctly, you could write it with suitable Valid_If expression like IDTable[IDCode]-StudentTable[IDCode]

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