Hello everyone, I have an app where I have t...

Hello everyone,

I have an app where I have three different checklist all linked to one another (so when you answered to the first form for a given “Tank n°” , you have the possibility to answer the second form for this “Tank n°” and when you finish the second form you can answer to the final form). Each checklist has its own sheet/table. I have created a WORKFLOW such that when the last checklist is filled it immedialtly send an email with the answers to each checklist (so it reacts to ADDS_ONLY of the third checklist) My problem is that I only want to have the data of the specific “Tank n°” and when I receive the mail I have the answers to the checklists of all the different “Tank n°” I have done. Could you tell me which expression I should use in my email template to fix this problem? Here below in comment you can find my template. Thanks for your help

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Here is my template for the mail

Are all tables on your template working in the same way or just the “last” one?

They are all working on the same way, but the questions from each table are different. The key from the first sheet is the concatenation of the “tank n°” and the “Date” and permits to select this specific “tank n° + date” to realize the next inspection from the next checklist.

Sorry… I didn’t mean that. I was thinking are all these tables acting the same way… you will receive all the data for all tables?

Oh OK, Yes I am receiving the data for tank n°1 and the answers for checklist 1, 2 and 3; and then the data for isotank n°2 and answers for checklist 1, 2 and 3 and so on…

So… none of your tables are working correctly?

My tables are working correctly since I have the report for each “Tank n°” with all the different checklists completed for this tank, but the problem is that I am receiving in the report, the report for each isotank, while I only want my report to contain the one that was just completed. Hence I don’t know which formula I should put in my mail to make sure to have only the row for this specific tank.

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