Help please

Hello everyone, I need your wisdom,
I have a form that is filled with 22 true or false questions, and I require that in a field tell me how many true were in each row because later I would need to create a condition that changes color according to 22 true responses, green color, between 14 and 21 yellow and less than 14 red because that color will change in a calendar view

Captura de pantalla 2022-05-17 112042.pngCaptura de pantalla 2022-05-17 115935.png 

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One way to do this is to create a virtual col with an expression like...



 IF([col1], "*", "") &
 IF([col2], "*", "") &
 IF([col22], "*", "")



This will give you the count of true columns.

For calendar coloring, see this Q&A if you have not already.

View solution in original post


One way to do this is to create a virtual col with an expression like...



 IF([col1], "*", "") &
 IF([col2], "*", "") &
 IF([col22], "*", "")



This will give you the count of true columns.

For calendar coloring, see this Q&A if you have not already.

Yes, thank you very much, it worked perfectly

Hi TeeSee1

Can you explain to me the formula, because 1 need count the false, and other i have an condition to select the color but ia have it wrong can you help me with that, 

I need the colors to change according to:
all yes in green,
if there is a No in Yellow, and if there is a Yes but no No that is orange

For false counts:

 IF(NOT([col1]), "*", "") &
 IF(NOT([col2]), "*", "") &
 IF(NOT([col22]), "*", "")

For color determination:

 [true count] = 22, "green",
 AND([true count] > 1, [false count] = 0), "orange",
 [false count] > 0, "yellow"

 I am sure there are more elegant expressions but you can try the above and see if it gives you at least what you need.

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