Help with Date Filtering

Good afternoon,


I am a safety inspector for a large construction company in africa,

The projects i inspect have sometimes 3000+ construction sites to inspect depending on progress.

I am trying to create an app to assist me with inspections.


What i am currently struggling with is Filtering inspection inputs by a selected date which i want to be able to select myself, the option just appears blank.


I have 2 tables for now, Inspections Table and Search Table which both have date columns with Key ID, row numbers etc.

I have created slices for filtering and am trying to use a dashboard view to have my search select date option and search results displayed on the same screen. Essentially what i would like to achieve in the end is print or email the results or data once its filtered.


I have made my Search table view ref, and when i add it, it just shows a heading and a blank bar, i have enabled quick edit. If i change it to my Inspections table through a slice of just the date it does work but just changes my inspections date to the date i selected.


Idealy i was hoping for a criteria like Site Inspections[Date]=Search[Date] but i cant even get to a select date option.

I have tried editing the date column types to ref, date, enum. i have tried extractdates() List() and i either get errors due to type or i just get a blank view on my filter view.


Any idea where i am going wrong?

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Welcome to the community!

It is always better to show your screenshots of your tables, column configurations, the expressions you are trying and their errors/results to the community and be specific about your questions so community members can help you better. Thank you.

Actually, from the expression you are trying to use, it seems a lot is wrong.

As I said before on other posts, this is kinda straighfoward, but it may be a pain if you don't get the basics right. I advice you to read the docs before any editing, although the ads of the platform make it look like we can just jump and make an app without knowing anything.

I'm not saying you don't know the platform, just try to make sure you know really well the column types and the formulas related to dates and time:

Also, here is a video about the use case you are wanting to configure:

Finally, try to focus on one thing. You want the data to look good on the app or you want to export/print it. Go step by step. You can do both, but, in general, those are two very different things

Hi there, Thank you for the replies!

I did read through your links and i went and made screenshots of all the tables, but i did find the problem. i converted the detail view to form view of the search date picker and entered a date, saved it, then the bar was no longer blank, then there was an issue comparing the date with search[date] due to a list, so i use the date(search[date]) to extract the date and now everything is working, after 6 hours of thinking i was going mad. lol. thank you

Since you are working with a list and you want a value, you will need to use something like:


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