Help with SELECT Expression not showing values

I have the following Select Expression in a VC called Value

SELECT(Stock Codes[Price],[Product Code]=[_THISROW].[Product Code])
It picks up some product prices but misses a lot.

The Product below is definetley in the source data Stock Codes table, yet it is not showing. anyone have any thoughts as to why this is happening


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Hello @Martina, maybe try changing the format of your product code column in your spreadsheet to โ€œAutomaticโ€?

@Rafael_ANEIC-PY , Iโ€™m using Excel, I have it set to General

Does anyone know of an alternative expression to the Select that I could try?
Itโ€™s very odd that it is finding some and not all of them.
Have double checked the product codes that have missing values for spaces but they are exactly the same

Could you once try making the Excel cell format as โ€œTextโ€ in both the tables for all the populated cells for the column [Product Code] and test? Presume the column type in Appsheet is text for the column in both the tables.

Thatโ€™s worked, thank you so much @Suvrutt_Gurjar

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