Here's an app that I've made public in order ...

Here’s an app that I’ve made public in order to demonstrate a problem I found with text icons in deck view (letters of different sizes at first; letter size changing):

I don’t expect the problem to be fixed right away (I understand that everyone at AppSheet is very busy) but I wonder if I could get confirmation that the problem has been noted.

Here are two previous posts I made about the same issue:


0 5 338
  • UX

Try sending the concern to


Will do.

Thanks Kirk. I’m on support today (weekdays are crazy but there’s actually time in the weekends to dive deeper into some of the issues). Will check to see if I can reproduce the problem.

Thanks @praveen!

If you open up the sample app I made, I think you’ll see that the letter size is different at first and then the problem fixes itself for some reason as one uses the app.

For others on the thread, I investigated the issue that Kirk had kindly provided with a detailed repro. The formatting issue occurs in the special case of an initial view of data and resolves on a refresh. The code that causes this bug is somewhat complicated to fix (and relatively brittle), so I have recorded the issue but do not propsoe to fix it in the short-term.

Also, with thumbnail columns (rather than image columns), the slideshow view with an overlay header is not a suitable format. There just isn’t real estate on the image to show an overlay header and still see the image itself.

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