Hide zero values in page view


I need to hide the sum amount is equal to zero. I am using this table as drill down.  in this table I have a column's like Date, Party name , Category, Sub Category, Narration, Type Debit or Credit, Amount.



Hide Zero values

0 7 634

One way is to use CONCATENATE() to put the text and the price together as text.  If you do that, you can insert a condition such as if following:


contatenate([Name]," ",if([Value]=0,"",[Value])




Hi thanks for replying.

But given solution not working.

I'm not sure what the problem is.  Perhaps it is the column names.  "[Name]" and "[Value]" are just dummy names.  Are you getting an error?


I am beginner to appsheet.

I am applying your formula in primary view show if tab.

It given error as attached.

Please suggest me where should I apply this formula.

If I put drill down chart or table i want to hide all zero values.




I see.  You are trying to put the formula in a "show if" constraint.  I was thinking of using a virtual column to make your text appear the way you want it to.  Do you know what a virtual column is?


As I said earlier, I am new for appsheet.

I am good in MS Excel formulas. In excel I am using pivot and applying filter value is not equal to Zero. But in this app I am getting confuse.

Please help me to hide sum values are zero.

I remember when I was learning to use AppSheet for the first time and I can understand your frustration.  But, please be patient.  I think the most important thing right now is to learn how to use the platform.

1. You need to learn what a virtual column is and make one.

2. Then you need to use an expression like the one I suggested in the virtual column to show the value when it is not zero but to be "" when the value is zero.

3. Then, if you display the virtual column instead of the column you are displaying now, it should work the way you want it to.

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