Highlight an entry depending on today

Hello folks,

i want to highlight entrys that have new orders from today.
In Format rules i set the contition to 






This works, but only if there is only one entry in group.

Here you see Moosseedorf - that has only one entry inside, this will be marked in group view for location.

But for example Oftringen have also one order inside with date of today, but will be only shown once opend specific order.

How is it possible to mark for example the location if any of the orders inside is from today. So we can see if any new entrys are made.

Thats the main point; To see at frist glance, if there are new entrys from today inside.

Thank you for your help!

 Screenshot 2023-06-05 134913.jpg

That we see if we open the Order:

Screenshot 2023-06-05 135421.jpg

1 9 271

Could you update how you have grouped the view , meaning Group by which columns and to which columns you have applied the format rule?

the View as a base has the table with the order numbers.
Then as a deck grouped by Company - Location - Ordernumber

Format rules to location

Thank you. In the group by screenshot you shared , is the company reflecting or are those only locations.

It's difficult to advise without a clearer explanation of your data structure and view configurations.

If your screenshots depict a single view with rows grouped by column then, AFAIK, there's no plausible way to apply a format rule to the screen showing just the grouped columns without also applying it to the screen showing a row's details (i.e., even for the rows that don't meet your TODAY criterion).

Potentially what you need is to create a view based on a locations table and a separate view based on the orders table. Then, in the locations table could indeed create a format rule that applies to locations with an associated order for TODAY--e.g.,:

IN(TODAY(), [Related Orders][Bestelldatum])

i dont know exactly what you mean.
Sources are 2 tables with order Number and the other with the items related to that order number.

the View as a base has the table with the order numbers.
Then as a deck grouped by Company - Location - Ordernumber

Ideally, it would show me a change at Company somehow, but as I understand you, this is not possible in this view like i put it up. Right?

I was trying someting with a virtual column with the word "NEW" then CONCATENATE with comany. But show only "NEW" if condition is true, but it dindt work as well. 🤔


ANY(Table name[Date column])  = TODAY()

Maybe this could work, I really need to see more of the app to solve this problem. But I am pretty sure it is possible, I've done things like that before

AND([OrderDate] >= TODAY(), [Status] = "New")

ANY(Table name[Date column])  = TODAY()

Unfortunately no. This function does mark the Order as new, but only if it is directly open. The marking is missing in the order overview/Top View where you can see all Costumers/Companys

This is the Table - Key -> Bestell Nr.

Bestell Nr.	L_Anrede	L_Vorname	L_Nachname	L_Firma	L_PLZ	L_Ort	L_Straße	K_Anrede	K_Vorname	K_Nachname	K_Firma	K_PLZ	K_Ort	K_Straße	Bestelldatum	Lieferdatum	Zustängig	Value1	Value2	Value3

Here you can see how its group by:


Honestly I think that your expression should be working, I tested it in one of my apps, and it worked. So, I recommend some workaround...

Create a virtual column called "CONDITION" and write the following: 

IF([Bestelldatum] = today(),"true","false") 
In your format rule condition you say: [CONDITION] = "true"

I believe it might work 

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