How can I add an expiration notice in the Contact Manager template?

I am using the Contact Manager template and I would like to be able to have a notification on a specific day. The template is set to change the icon when a customer is not contacted in the time interval set in "contact frequenty days". I would like to have the same notification or modify this one but being able to set a specific day in the calendar.

Simply what I want is to be able to add a date field that is used as a warning if we are in that date set or has already passed.

Thanks a lot.

0 4 73

Per example in google sheets, add a new column to the sheet connected to your app, call it whatever you want.

Go to the Data -> Columns -> WhatYouCallTheTable in appsheet edit mode.

Click regenerate structure.

Go to the column in WhatYouCallTheTable. Set field type to the appropriate date type.

Then use Bots to get the notification change.

I assume you have a license suited for all mentioned above.

I just want to have a field that is expiration date or something like that


Thanks for the answer, I don't need to use the bot for what I want to do, (I have the free plan, I'm still getting used to the app). I don't want the notification to email, I just want a notice to be displayed within the app as I show here


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