How can i send a notification when data is changed on Sheet?

Good morning / afternoon.

I am trying to send notifications depending of the type of text that appears on a cell in my Google SpreadSheet.

image.png (For example: To every row that has the text "1 EN DIA Y HORA" in my column E)

I have a custom bot created with the "Event Type = Data Change", that realizes the action in "All changes", to my table of my SpreadSheet, and with that condition:



In my action, i have this (CORREO is the header of my e-mail column):


And also i have this complement in my Google SpreadSheet:




But it doesn't matter what data appears on the cells of my "E" column, that any notification is sent.

Could you help me, please?

Thank you so much!



0 7 1,627

i think for this you have to creat a bot that pushes a notification on "All updates" when an event ofccures.

It is on "All updates" actually, but it doesn't work.

I have a few questions.

1.   Are you changing data in the table FechaActual or another table?

2.  If FechaActual, are you expecting that a notification gets sent only when you edit a row that satisfies the condition you mentioned?


@IT-Clarel wrote:

But it doesn't matter what data appears on the cells of my "E" column, that any notification is sent.

What is happening? A notification is sent regardless of the data in column E? or No notification is sent at all?

4. What do you see in Monitor? Do you see events recorded? Any errors?


1. The data that i am changing, is on "FechaActual" table in my Google SpreadSheet.

2. Yes, that's the main idea. I want to send a notification when one cell of my column "E" inside my table "FechaActual" says for example: 1 EN DIA Y HORA.

3. No notification is sent.

4. I see that any notification is sent. It is empty. I tried other types of notification that i don't need (to see if it could work, and it does, but with my need, no.

I don't know if the problem is that AppSheet can't send a notification depeding of the data of a Google SpreadSheet, or what.


I have set up a bot to send both an Email and an notification on gSheet changes.

I get both email and notification without any problems. The notification is received only on my Android device because that is expected.

In Monitor are you getting an event fired like this?


@IT-Clarel wrote:

I tried other types of notification that i don't need (to see if it could work, and it does,

Apparently your gSheet is sending an update event to AppSheet if you are successfully receiving "other types of notification". You do not see any event registered in Monitor when you have the type of notification you want??

I suggest to use the Monitor 


and find out if the bot triggers. If it does ,the issue will probably be in the email template


It says that any notification is sent. It is empty. I tried other types of notification that i don't need (to see if it could work, and it does, but with my need, no)...

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