How do I substract two summed charts? (I need the net worth of two slices)

Hello, I have an app to manage my finances. Every row has an "IN/OUT" column that defines whether it's an income or an expense. I also have two slices: incomes and expenses performed during the current month. I plug these into histogram charts and sum them up.

My problem is that I have two different charts, but I need only one that directly shows the difference between the my incomes and expenses (net value). I have thought about making a virtual column with a substraction but I cant figure it out. Thank you very much in advance!

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I assume you mean Total Net Value?  To get that, it would be just a single value (i.e. no need to chart) and you would calculate it as:

SUM(Income Slice[Value Column to be Summed] - SUM(Expenses Slice[Value Column to be Summed]

Replace the slice and column names with actual names in your app.

If you are trying to "net value" certain line items to show in a chart then you will need to elaborate on what those are.

Hi, thanks for the answer. Will this solution be able to display me a visual representation of my total net value by month?

Does your solution require me to make a new table only with the monthly sums?

Are you sure a histogram is what you should be using? Why are you using it? If you're already slicing out the current month, what is the breakdown dimension on your chart? Can you provide a mockup of the desired chart output?

Hi! thanks for helping me.


This is what I have displayed. I need another one that's similar but with the difference of the two.


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