How fix showing Fields on the forms

I'm making an app based on an Google Sheet, and have few fields on my form that not editable, its "read-only", that fields are showing just on "Edit" action, as read-only, when I already have a record created, but on "Add" action that's fields are not showing, and I would like that show this fields to guide my team on fill the others editable fields

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If you set the col not editable, then you do not see it in Add form.

Instead you have to control its editability based on whether you are adding a new row or editing an existing row.

Try setting the expression below in the Editable? setting of your col.

    "My Table",


I see, but this way the user will be able to edit even if was Auto-filled with my information, right?

The thing its that my app its based on a Google sheet, and two fields on the user form its feeding by me on another sheet in my workbook with the function SUMPRODUCT, and this two fields should be visible in the Add form, but not editable, is that possible?

I am not sure if I understand you correctly.

Before you add a row, that does NOT exist in your spreadsheet yet, correct?

How can you show their content if they do not exist in the first place?

If you have those two fields pre-filled, then you are editing and not adding.

Sorry, I dont Know how explain well,

Yes, I have those two fields pre-filled, then would be an editing, but what I want its that they just can Read the Information pre-filled in those two fields, and not really editing.

It would help if you could share some screenshots. (A picture is worth a thousand words.๐Ÿ˜€.)

Like to see your spreadsheet and how you are leading your user to add a row.

It might be an ide to use a Show Type column (specifically text) which could display information without anything being edited or recorded in the spreadsheet. Column Types: Diving Deeper | AppSheet Help Center there is a video linked at the bottom of that page which demonstrates show columns Column Types Part 6: Show Type | AppSheet - YouTube 

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