How to add editable column to my table

am unable to add virtual column which is PHONE NUMBER which is editable in app, appsheet is showing it should be computable for a logic form data from other column

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  • UX

Virtual columns can have computed formulas that are dependent on other virtual or real columns but an app user cannot directly edit a virtual column(VC).

So just as an example if you have a real column called say [Phone Number] and another real column as say [Customer Name] where the app user can enter phone numbers, customer names in a form view, you could have another VC called say [Customer and Phone] with an expression such as CONCATENATE( [Customer Name], " - ",[Phone Number]) or any other such expression.

In summary, VCs are computed columns -either system generated or configured by the app creator to display, further use computed value in other expression but they cannot be directly edited by the user.

For adding user-editable field to your app, please add a real column back in the database and regenerate the table in the app editor.

Hello sir, then how can I add real column called PHONE NUMBER to my table

Please take a look at this. Please add a column called โ€œPhone Numberโ€ in the backend sheet and regenerate the table in the app editor.

The following articles may also be useful to you.

Thank you very much sir

Hello sir I have added real column called PHONE NUMBER but am unable to add phone number it showing error shown in image

What is your backend data source? Excel or Google sheets?

excel on onedrive sir.

Then if you are keeping the Excel sheet open while using the app, then I believe this error will be displayed.

True sir, if excell sheet is closed there is error am able to edit or add phone numbers
Thank you sir

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