How to add editable private columns?

I have managed to pull data from a Gsheet. However, i want to add columns which data is private to individual users. I've tried to create a separate DB with a Ref column. I can (barely) add it to the app's view table (i don't want one to many but that's the only option i guess so doing an kind of inner join is a pain in the rectum). The columns from the separate (and hopefully private) DB are readonly, though, so it defeats my purspose. I guess the fact that Refs are one to many makes it impossible to edit in place.

How should i proceed?

Context:     I'm trying to build an app that compiles all the requirements of a university course sorted by date, so we know what's due when. But i'd like all users to be able to set their complete % for those tasks, so completed tasks go away and do not clutter the view. I could hide tasks with due date in the past, but we'd lose overdue tasks (% < 100) from the view. So i need to pull data from a common Gsheet and have additional columns which data is private for each student.

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