How to add to a spreadsheet value, based on input from an appsheet form

I am trying to make an app that counts the number of boxes we have, and then based on other inputs, subtracts boxes we use.

I have a spreadsheet called 'Box Tracker' which has 3 columns, Package, Quantity, and Inventory

Package is the package type
Quantity is how many we have of this type
and Inventory is how many we have of this type, minus how many we have used (This is based off a formula referencing another table)

I have a form in my AppSheet app that requests a package and a quantity, and I want it to add the quantity, based off what package type is selected.  I created an action that SHOULD set the value of some column in a row, but keeps creating new rows instead.  I tried turning off reset on edit and that didn't work.  How do I make it so the quantity column is added to the quantity input on the form, based on what package type is selected.

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This is a picture of the box tracker spreadsheet


Here is the form 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Your problem description is very confusing to me. Please restate it in a different way with more details. Please also provide screenshots of the relevant app configuration.


Basically Im just trying to make a counter for the boxes we use.  Theres a form that takes in a box type and a quantity, and adds it a spreadsheet (pictured above).  The problem im running into is Im not sure how to make it continually count, when I try to use the action to "Set the values of some column in this row" It just adds a new row instead of editing the row.  Im not sure how to specify what row to edit.  



Basically I am just trying to make a counter, that when given a quantity in a form, keeps adding the total in the spreadsheet.


I hope this makes more sense

Please post a screenshot of the entire expression used to set the Quantity column value.

How is the action getting performed? Is it attached to a form? Is the a button the user presses?

Please also post a screenshot of the configuration of the form view.


I know this is incorrect I was trying something.

The action would be preformed when the form is saved.





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