How to allow Expressions to allow edits only between certain dates?

I have a part of my app that needs to be locked down after the previous [Payment Date] date happens and between the upcoming [Cutoff]. It should look like this in theory -->
Previous [Payment Date] <> upcoming [Cutoff].

I could not figure out how to do this after trial and error.
Any help would be appreciated!

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The easiest way would be to just make a condition that evaluates to true on the "edit" action that's system-created under Behaviour->Actions.

This condition depends on your need but the general idea from what you posted is that you need this to be greater than [Payment Date] but prior to [Cutoff] so:

 TODAY()>=[Payment Date],

I'm moving away from this kind of things since it has to check if the condition is met every sync, but that will do the job.
If you are insterested, I'm making YN columns that control this behaviours inside of the table so that the condition just cheks, for example, [Editable?] to know if it should be shown. These are updated daily via automation since are real columns and also on each row edit. This is less intensive for the app to check since the value insde the [Editable?] is already a YN, the heavy weight is done on server mainly or just one row at a time. This is kind of an advance topic that can lead to mixed opinions

I have made this formula, which when broken up into its two separate parts it works perfectly. The problem is that, I have a list of dates which [Start] and [Cutoff] is pulling from. I need the date to be between the last [Start] date, and the upcoming TOP [Cutoff] date. Not sure how I can work that into my formula.

(TODAY() < DATE(BSP Template Payroll Schedule[Cutoff]) + ("024:00:00")),
(TODAY() > DATE(BSP Template Payroll Schedule[Start]) - ("024:00:00"))

First understand what you are currently doing. To be honest, I don't get why your expression is even working.

 TODAY() # <- This is Date
 DATE( # <- Date() expects Date/DateTime/Time
  BSP Template Payroll Schedule[Cutoff] # <- This is a list, not Date/DateTime/Time
 ) +
 "024:00:00", # <- This is Duration
 TODAY() # <- This is Date
 DATE( # <- Date() expects Date/DateTime/Time
  BSP Template Payroll Schedule[Start] # <- This is a list, not Date/DateTime/Time
 ) - 
 "024:00:00" # <- This is Duration
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