How to allow users to create their own collection based on existing database?

We are a brand that creates limited edition pins. I have been logging our pins into a google spreadsheet (features image, pin name, LE, variant, artist, type of metal, drop date, and drop price). 

I would like to allow users to create their own collection within the app; they would do this by selecting an existing pin (they cannot modify the details we put in) and they would click 'add to collection' button. At the bottom of the app, I would like for there to be a 'My Collection' tab.

I believe I have to create a separate spreadsheet with a column for users, but I'm not sure where to go from there or how to link everything. I am including screenshots to help clarify what our database looks like! Thank you



Home page is simple, shows each pin (name and limited edition amount)




When a pin is clicked from home page, it shows all the info for that particular pin.

I'm not sure how to get rid of the edit button, that won't be enabled in the end product. Maybe can change it to a + button to add to collection? 'My Collection' tab would ideally pop up next to Lunarity Pinfo on the bottom menu.


Thank you for your help!!



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Hi Lunarity,

First thing you need to clarify is wether you manage your users (they are part of your company), wether it's a readonly app. Main difference is the pricing and the functionnalities. 


If you do manage your users, the simpliest way to do this is : 

1.Create a Users table with relevant informations  : Email | User Name | Collection products (which is an EnumList of Ref to your Collection products table) |

2. In your Pins table : Add a new sheets column [AutomationTrigger] (text type with "no" as initial value).

3. Create a new action where : Set values of column in this row > [AutomationTrigger] = "go".

4. Add an automation for your Pins table. For any changes, with the condition [AutomationTrigger] = "go".

5. The events shall be : Update values of somes columns in another table. Choose your Users table.  Referenced rows formula would be : any(select(Users[Email], [Email] = useremail()))

Update the Collection products formula with : unique([Collection products] + [_THISROW].[PinID])

PinID is the key of your Collection products table.

6. Finally add a Slice for your Users table, with the condition [Email] = useremail()

7. Then, add a primary view named "My collection" based on this new slice.


Hope it helps.


Hello! Thanks for your reply.

It would be read only only; those users are our customers (collectors) of our product. 

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