How to collect single quantity for two EnumList value?

There are two columns Size and Color with EnumList values. Size have Small, Medium and Large. Color have Black and White. How can i collect quantity for "Small White Color" "Medium White Color" etc...

Eg. I want to add Small, White color = 30 pcs. Medium, White Color = 40 pcs. Large, White Color = 40 pcs. etc...

0 6 97

Do you have another table that looks like this?


If so, use a SUM( SELECT() ) with an AND( IN() , IN() ) condition.

If not, from where are you wanting to pull these quantities?

Thanks for the reply,

I don't have another table like that.

I am collection size and color data with EnumList as below.





And in my table i receive as below.



The quantities i want to get is from user input.

But i need to populate the size and color combination. Please see example below

Total order Quantity = 10000

Size = S, M, L, 2L, 3L (total 5 sizes) & Color = White, Black (total 2 colors)

So the combination will be as below (5 * 2 = 10)

S White, S Black, M White, M Black, L White, L Black, 2L White, 2L Black, 3L White and 3L Black.

So total order quantity 10,000 should be same with sum of all 10 combination order quantities.

Hope you understand my pont.

Thanks again

So the goal is to auto-fill the G column?

How is the distribution of the total qty across all possible combinations supposed to be determined? It's obviously not a equal division, as you have 30/40/40 and 1000/1000/2000 in your examples.

The goal is to populate the combinations and user will fill the quantity.

please let me explain in another way.

total order quantity will be filled by user. 10,000 is my example.

sizes - S, M, L, 2L, 3L are all possible sizes user can choose. 5

colors - Black and White are also all possible colors user can choose. 2

so if user choose all sizes and colors, the combination will be 10. (5 *2)

if user choose 3 sizes S, M and L, 2 colors White and Black

The combination will be 6 (3 *2)

in that case, i want to auto generate/populate those 6 combination (based on user's choice from EnumList values)

I want to generate/populate as below so that user can input the quantity of each combination.

S Black - 

M Black -

L Black -

S White -

M White -

L White - 

So if the total order quantity is 10,000, the sum of above 6 combination or quantity also should be 10,000.

Thanks again ๐Ÿ™‚

So you need to auto-generate child records, 1 per combination? Search for "loops" and "add any number of rows/records", there are a number of good tutorials and tips-n-tricks posts for this kind of thing.

Sure, will look for it and try out. Thanks.

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