How to enable filtering on Email Body expressions?

In the app I am building, it allows users from many organizations use the app. I have set up an automation email that works besides having one problem. The email should just go to the [Payroll Contact] which is associated with the [Full Name]. The issue is that the email contains the entirety of the apps user data from my body template built using start expressions. The email going to the [Payroll Contact] should just contain the users data associated with the [Payroll Contact] and not the entirety of the app's data. 

Here is my body start expression which I presume is causing the issue to include all the data, instead of organization specific.

<<Start:Employee Signup[Timestamp]>>
Name of Employee : <<[Full Name (DSHBD)]>>
Matched Contributions: <<[Matched Contributions (DSBHD)]>>



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You can restrict a set of records selected by a START expression by adding conditions using SELECT.


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