How to fix blank incoming orders.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 132649.pngOk, it is a enum column with "pending, cancelled and completed" How do I get it to come in as Pending?

0 8 186

Create a Slice that excludes the blank values using ISNOTBLANK() formula and use this slice as table of your view.

Hey ty for the reply. So a slice for the status column?

table - new slice - [status] = "pending"

If I understand your question, you're really asking how to PREVENT the status from remaining blank?  

Implement the Initial Value property of your Status column to "Pending".  This way whenever a new row is created, Status will always be set to at least the value of "Pending".   See image.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 4.53.29 PM.png

Hey I will double check, but yes that is exactly what I mean, I did have Initial value "pending" but cannot get it to stick.

Nope I accidentally inserted [This]Screenshot 2023-09-19 184500.png

Did not work, could it have anything to do with being a virtual column? Long story short, it fills in by Goole forms online. I wanted to add the progress status off the form for personal view. Ty all also lmk if you need certain screenshots.

@PawnZamalot wrote:

Did not work, could it have anything to do with being a virtual column?

If the Status column is being filled in by a Form it cannot be a Virtual Column. 

Additionally, if something outside of AppSheet is adding the row to the sheet (e.g. Google Forms) then the Initial Value will not have any affect.  

I think it would be very helpful to show us what you have built so far so we can understand how the rows are getting inserted for your app.


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