How to get app to open on menu

I am new at this!  could someone please help me?  I want the app to open on the Menu view.  How do I do that??

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Silver 4
Silver 4

Search for templates, sample apps are available.

Under UX -> Options, there's an option to set up the starting view of your App that can also use an expression to decide the view to show.



Hi Hamlet, thank you for your response. I have the start view for about
ticked but for some reason it doesnt do that... ?? Did I miss something?
Thanks for your help.

Hi @DocJuba 

The Starting view option let's you setup specific views to be the view that the App starts on. You can set up one view for all or make an expression to set the view dynamically. 

The about option makes it that the App starts always on the About View.

One thing to note is that whatever option you select works when starting the App. When leaving the app and resuming it, the App will go back to the view the user was on.

Hope this makes it more clear ๐Ÿ™‚

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