How to imput data in a floating form to modify varios rows

I´m tryng to modifify one or two fields via selecting a value in a ENUM LIST in a form to aply this value in varios records. 

Is posible make it with a floating window calling with a acton?

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What are you actually trying to do? Are you trying to update other column in the same record or another record? Btw.. on a form view, you are not able to trigger any action.

I wish modify de category field in many records at any time. I think the best form should be make it in a form, perhaps using the INPUT functión.

In other words, I want to choose a new category from an ENUM LIST to modify multiple records.

You can run an INPUT action within a grouped action. So do that, and run a reference action at the end to push that new value to all the other records.

Do You know an example app to make it easy?

GREAT!! I can make it!!

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