How to show single row data to multiple users based on user email

Hi ,

Is their a way where we can show single row data to multiple users based on user email. I have multiple users who have to action on one row entry in the data. I have currenlty created slice with "AND([PEX V]=USEREMAIL(),IN(USEREMAIL(),Master Process List[PEX V]),[IDEA]<>REJECTED,[IDEA]<>CLOSED)" however for some rows i have more than 2 people responsible to execute a task. I tried giving 2 useremail sprated with "," , however the the data is not showing up for both the users. 



1 5 331
  • UX

Please show the columns of your tables. Thanks.

We have 72 columns below are some in Raw data and Master Process List

Cloumn Raw data

Idea Owner Email
Full Name
Reporting Manager Email
Idea Name
Explain Opportunity or Problem Statement
Explain Your Suggested Solution
Which Metric is Targeted?
Approved by Reporting Manager
Approved Date
PEX Manager
Account Manager
Account Lead
Site Director
PEX Partner

Columns in Master Process List

GOC Site Details
New WF Value
Account Manager
Account Lead
Site Director
PEX Manager
PEX Partner

Any person submtting an idea below deatils are auto populated 

Account Manager
Account Lead
Site Director
PEX Manager
PEX Partner


Thanks. We need the column type of each one in order to suggest extra comments

As an extra observation. If [IDEA] is text, you should wrap your text values in quotes.

    Master Process List[PEX V]

 I also echo @Joseph_Seddik's question

This seems like a good question for Appster.

I fed everything to it and it had a good response, so I'll share it below:


It appears that your question pertains to displaying single row data for multiple users based on their email. You're trying to give access to certain rows to multiple users, where more than one user can be responsible for executing a task. However, your current slice with the condition `AND([PEX V]=USEREMAIL(),IN(USEREMAIL(),Master Process List[PEX V]),[IDEA]<>REJECTED,[IDEA]<>CLOSED)` seems to be only considering a singular responsibility scenario.

As the issue stems from the need to assign multiple emails to a single email column, a more appropriate solution would be employing a more robust user system that can handle multiple assignments. Here's how:

1. **Problem Rephrase:**

   Your current setup doesn't support multiple users' association to a single row. Therefore, you need a setup that can handle multiple user assignments to yet allow visibility of appropriate rows based on their user email.

2. **High Level Overview of solution process:**

   The solution would be to change your data structure to accommodate multiple emails for a single row. You can achieve this by changing your `[PEX V]` column to hold lists of email addresses (separated by a comma), each denoting a user responsible for the task. Then, using a combination of two AppSheet features - the Current User system and Security Filters - you can set up your app with personalised views for each user.

3. **Actionable Steps:**

   - **User Table:** You need to have a User Table that includes at least two columns - 'User Email' and 'User ID' (as explained in the 'Current User System' resource). Also, it's recommended that you match the User table records with actual users for more accurate results.

   - **Current User System:** Apply the Current User system technique to create a global variable, which is essentially isolating the individual user record into a slice. This will allow you to call any value from that slice when needed.

   - **Column Setup:** Now, for the [PEX V] column in your Raw data table, you should convert each cell content to a list format. For example, if [PEX V] is responsible for multiple tasks, and their respective emails are '', '', and '', the content of the cell should be '', '', '' (separated by commas, no spaces).

   - **Security Filter:** For the Security Filter in the 'Raw data' table, use `AND([PEX V]<>REJECTED,[PEX V]<>CLOSED, [_ComputedKey] = ANY(FILTER('Master Process List', IN(USEREMAIL(), [PEX V]))))`. This filter shows the specific data for the current user, based on the user's email. If the user's email is in the list of emails from [PEX V] in the 'Master Process List' table, it shows the row.

Remember to preserve the logic from your current condition formula, `[IDEA] <> REJECTED , [IDEA] <> CLOSED`, while updating the filter condition to accommodate the multiple email scenario.

With these adjustments to your app, each user should now be able to see the rows they are responsible for in the app, facilitating a much more functional system for your multiple user assignments.


I don't know about that security filter 🤔 that's a really weird way of going about it, especially if you implement the current user system. I'll follow up and see what it says with some helpful prodding. 🤖🧠💪

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