How to trigger action in one table based on the external changes in another table's google sheet


I have two tables one is the table of Offers second is the table for offer Acceptance, both the tables are referenced to each other and have “Offer number” as key value, I want to get the status from Acceptance table to Offers table and when this change happens I Want to trigger an email using bot automation flow. the change on which I want to trigger action will be done externally in the google sheet not through.

Please suggest some way out…

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Platinum 4

If the external change to the Google Sheet is manual–a user of the spreadsheet makes a change to it directly–you can use External Eventing to trigger a bot:

If the external change to the Google Sheet is automated in any way, you cannot use External Eventing. Instead, you would need to use the API:

The external change to the google sheet is done using sheet formula. and I am using External eventing trigger it doesn’t work, does that mean API is the only Way?

Please elaborate.

I am using a spreadsheet formula in one column (Mention Below) where by using Vlookup i am fetching the status of the row and I want to trigger a Bot based on the changes in this column.

Not possible.

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