How to use [THISROW] here, it doesn't allow me to use it or do something similar

Hello! I have this formula that if I use [THISROW] it does not bring me anything in google docs.

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-06 a la(s) 19.47.13.png

If I take out the [THISROW] it looks like this, it brings me all the lines and I need it to bring me only "Maximiliano Boye" in this example.
Can someone guide me or help me?
Thank you so much!!

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-06 a la(s) 19.48.50.png

0 5 120

Could you update if the <<START>> expression is on the child table ? Is the " FACT_Registro_Actividad" a child table to the table on which the bot is invoked?

all this in the same table

Thank you. Then any specific reason you are using the <<START>> expression. Are there multiple rows that you want to display from the same table? If you wish to display only one record's details, then you may need not have to use <<START>> expression.

Of course, what I need are several records!

Looks right to me. You can try [_THISROW-1] instead, it should be the same thing. Unless there's more to the template that you're not showing?

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