I'm trying to print phone numbers as a clicka...

I’m trying to print phone numbers as a clickable link in a report.

I have this in a report template


It prints

like this

<a href=“tel:<>” 321-432-8765

but this worked the way i wanted in May

did something change since? thanks

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@James_Porter @praveen

Hi James. I spent several hours investigating this issue. Here is waht I learned.

When we read the Google Doc workflow template as HTML, Google HTML encodes all HTML special characters in the body of the template. For example, Google HTML encodes “<” as “<”. It HTML encodes “>” as “>”.

In your case the template value “<>” is returned by Google as “<a href=“tel:<<phone>>”><<phone>></a>” We properly replace the “phone” values in the template, which yields the following result “<a href=“tel:206-123-4567”>206-123-4567</a>”.

This is not recognized as a valid HTML HREF because of the HTML encoding of the “<” and “>” characters.

As a result of the way Google returns the Google Docs workflow template in HTML encoded form, it is not currently possible to include HTML markup in the Google Docs template.

I have one idea that might resolve the problem. When we include a phone number in a workflow template, we could always render the phone number as a HREF. That is the approach we use for image and file values. I am a little concerned that some customers may object to such a change in the behavior of Phone numbers but most people may find the new behavior better.

In any event, I need to discuss this with Praveen our CEO. I am not certain how soon that conversation can occur. He is currently travelling and will not be back for about three weeks

Adding @Philip_Garrett_Appsh — we may have changed how we are parsing the template.

@praveen will you please share what do I need to do differently to get my required results? Thanks


I can investigate if you provide : 1. Your account id (from the account pane) 2. The app name 3. The workflow rule name

you need to figure out how to correct this with the info. I’ve already supplied with my first posting. thanks

Hi James, we have tens of thousands of accounts. As Phil mentioned, it would really help us investigate efficiently

if you could provide the requested info about the account id, app name and workflow rule name. Thanks


If you are not comfortable posting that information here, feel free to email the information to me at philga@appsheet.com

@Philip_Garrett_Appsh i sent the info in an email but I left the subject blank the report is Drivers by hire

thanks Did you see part where I said that this worked in May, I have made no changes.

So I wait

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