I need an way to put dynamic alphabetic prefixes in the columns (inital values)

Hello everyone,

I am making an app that generates an automatic PDF document and i need an way to put dynamic alphabetic prefixes in the columns which will vary depending if some columns are blank or not, according to the following logic:

We have 24 columns.

There are 26 letters in the alphabet (from A to Z)

If [column 1] is not blank, I want it to have the prefix "a) [column 1]" in the initial value, but if [column 1] is blank and [column 2] is not blank, I want [column 2] to have the prefix "a) [column 2]", if both columns are not blank, I want them to have the following prefixes: "a) [column 1]"; "b) [column 2]", successively until column number 24, if [column 24] is the only one that is not blank, I want it to have the prefix "a) [column 24]" .

Any thoughts on the best way to do it?

Thank you,


0 4 213

Here's where I'd start:

MID("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx", COUNT(LIST([Column 1], [Column 2],... [Column n])), 1) & ") " & ...

Thank you só much!

Silver 1
Silver 1

ISNOTBLANK([Column 1]), "a) [Column 1]",
AND(ISBLANK([Column 1]), ISNOTBLANK([Column 2])), "a) [Column 2]",
AND(ISNOTBLANK([Column 1]), ISNOTBLANK([Column 2])), "a) [Column 1]"; "b) [Column 2]",
AND(ISBLANK([Column 1]), ISBLANK([Column 2])), "",
TRUE, "a) [Column 1]"
ISNOTBLANK([Column 3]), "; b) [Column 3]",
ISBLANK([Column 3]), "",
TRUE, "; b) [Column 3]"
ISNOTBLANK([Column 4]), "; c) [Column 4]",
ISBLANK([Column 4]), "",
TRUE, "; c) [Column 4]"
...repeat for columns 5-24...

Thank you so much!

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