I need dynamic currency symbol

Hi everyone, I have an app that I used to control the budgets of a business trip.

In other words a person will travel to another country and he will record every expense he has during his business trip. However he might have some expenses in our local currency before he travels so I need to use one column that I can change the currency symbol according to some conditions.

For example if he chooses an enum with two options option one Brazilian real and option two US dollar, depending on the option the user choose he will fill the column and I need this currency symbol to change according to the option he chose. 

This is simple I have one price column for Brazilian real and another column for a US dollar but in my deck View I want to display this value according to the currency he chose so I created one virtual column with one if condition, if the option one show me price one if option two show me price two but it doesn't work.


Do you guys have any idea of how I can achieve this?


With the virtual column, change the column type to text and merge the currency symbol with the price.

Yes, I did it. But I wanted a currency format. I've tried the currency format from Excel R$ #.##0,00 but Appsheet only allows the text expression for date type. 

Yes that's unfortunately true.

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