I want a value on a form to allow it to be a set value if another column is blank or else a user defined value

Is it possible to automatically update the value on a form if another cell is blank, but if that cell is not blank allow the user to enter the value?

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Platinum 4

Thanks @Steve,
Yes I have an initial value set and I have the column hidden by a show if constraint, for the column that it depends on. Whatโ€™s happening is people are entering a value in the parent column, which allows the child column to be shown, then entering a value in that child column, but then changing there mind and delete the parent column value. The child retains its value. Is there a way to go back to the initial value if they clear the parent column? Reset on Edit, only seems to work if they save and then go back in to clear the value, if they do it all before the save it keeps the value.

No, not directly. Once the user interacts with the column value, all automatic changes stop for the remainder of the form session. The best you could do is add a Form Saved event action to adjust the value when appropriate.

Thanks @Steve,
Not to worry, now that I think about it I can fix the issue with new show if rules and some data validation to stop them saving if theyโ€™ve done this.

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