I want predefined keyword to fetch when we select options from drop down

HI friends,

Suppose i have options 

1. John

2. Martin

3. Alex

as dropdowns

so as i choose the dropdown, in the next TEXT type field, a predefined keyword must appear.


Example : 

Select John then its keyword JH must appear in next text field & same for other options also

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Thanks a lot for your reply..


its working but the virtual column is uneditable. So i need a field which is editable, as user will input some numbers ahead of the code.& after adding the code, appsheet will also check whether this new num is unique or not...

i dont have an issue adding extra new column in google sheet for this purpose..



Then you would need a real column, with the expression in the "INITIAL VALUE" field.

ok, but for every option , how would i set an initial value. Pls guide me here

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @pcreport 

1) let's name your dropdown column detailed in your first post "people". This is ENUM type, with options values: John, Martin, Alex

2) Add another column in your sheets, and name it "result". This is TEXT type, for the example.

3) regenerate the table structure.

4) go in the INITIAL VALUE field of the column "result", and set this expression:


  [people]="John", "J",
  [people]="Martin", "M",
  [people]="Alex", "A"

5) give it a try on your app

hi, appreciate your response. 

The newly created entry shud also be unique, like it should not be there already on google sheet (at the backend).

What did you try so far?

I tried The one u listed..

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @pcreport 

@pcreport wrote:

I tried The one u listed..

This ?

@Aurelien wrote:

Hi @pcreport 

1) let's name your dropdown column detailed in your first post "people". This is ENUM type, with options values: John, Martin, Alex

2) Add another column in your sheets, and name it "result". This is TEXT type, for the example.

3) regenerate the table structure.

4) go in the INITIAL VALUE field of the column "result", and set this expression:


  [people]="John", "J",
  [people]="Martin", "M",
  [people]="Alex", "A"

5) give it a try on your app

Can you share a screenshot of your columns in your app editor?


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