IF statement (i'm missing something)

So i’ve got a formula that if the Column is blank put in a zero, otherwise do nothing

I tried this and it doesn’t work: IF(ISBLANK([Column]),0,"")
I also tried this: IF(ISBLANK([Column]),Number(0),"")

What am I missing?

0 10 595

This comes down to the data type:


There’s a couple of ways to fix:

  • You could wrap the “” in Number("") - this forces the text value into a number (which becomes blank)
  • You could use IFS() instead of IF() - with IFS() you don’t need to include the fall-back condition, you only include criteria-result pairs, the fallback is blank:

ISBLANK([Column]), 0

Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn’t seem to work.

I’ve added the your IFS expression into the Formula filed, but I still don’t see the vlaue of 0 being populated when its blank.

When I test the expression, i get the proper result.

You probably need to open the record and save it.

HI, sorry, I’m not sure it means to open the record and save it.

Yes, the app formula in a normal column is recalculated only when you open and save it.

I’ve hit Save and Verify multiple times, exited out of the account and got back in. It still doesn’t update the value.

If you want a formula to constantly update it’s calculated value, in other words to be a “live” column, you need to make it a virtual column.

Physical columns, as in those represented in your spreadsheet, only update their values when you actually open and save the form.

So to update the values in your spreadsheet, you need to
All records that you need to update need to be opened and saved.

There are methods you can introduce into your app that make these sort of updates faster to accomplish.

What I do is to add a hidden column to every table I make called “Update.” It’s a number column and I create an action that basically adds 1 to the number in the update column - this in turn gets all the app formula’s to recalculate themselves.


@MultiTech_Visions Thank you so much for the explanantion. It makes sense now.

I’ve created a refresh action which will be executed when a new row is added to the table.

Is it possible to put the action icon on the Table View, instead of in the detail or form view?

Next to this icon: 2X_7_753cd2288d04f5a4d5c8debb4482946a35866548.png

or here: 2X_4_4d6d9185f091afa1cb77ad4926170eea99eb6629.png

You don’t need to update a record when it’s created, it calculates values at that time.

The update action is for records that need to be updated AFTER they’ve been created.

But to answer the follow up question: no, we don’t really have much ability to put actions in these locations at the moment.

So I went with a Virtual Column instead, its work much better now. Thank you!!

Thanks for the insight on action items.

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