If statement for autocompute possible?

I feel like i may have asked this before, but cannot find it if i did...

Is this possible?

I have a column I have added to a table called WTH_MRN. There is another table that has MRN as a column as well. Is it possible to use an If statement in an autocompute/formula field?

For example, in plain english as best as my english will allow, can i do something like:

Table A patient identifier records. Table B has some data that related to Table A by way of the primary key called _patientIdentifier      Table A recently acquired a new column called WTH_MRN. Table B already contains a column called MRN.

I would like for Table A.WTH_MRN to be editable, however, IF Table N already contains an MRN value for the currently selected patient, I'd like WTH_MRN to simply pull that data from Table B

Wish i could word this better... Tables A and B were initially populated with information pulled from a dataset, but new data is being added manually as needed. And I need to figure out a way to make this just a but easier.

I have a method in mind but it's clunky and i need to think through this a bit more.

And if no answers pop up, that's fine too, as I find that i sometimes use this forum as a notepad to help me think through something and document the process, with the hopes that I will either get a tip or hint regarding an expression that i haven't learned yet, or perhaps I will figure it out on my own and my documentation will help someone else in the future.

Thanks for listening!

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