Initial Value formula based on another table.column value

Hi Dears,

I tried this a lot, 
I have two tables
parent table named "Blend" and child table called "Yield" each blend record has many yield records. and its reference is based on the "Blend Unique ID" column.

What I need is to set up the initial value for a column in the blend table (Parent) based on the list values for a column "yield status" in the "Yield" Table (chiled). I tried something like this

If this row reference list continues "no" in the "yield status" column then "On progress" and if the "yield status" column is continues "Yes" then make it "Finished"

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I'm not sure I follow all the details of your implementation or what you need. Try something like the following to see whether it accomplishes your goal. If not, maybe post some screenshots.

IF(COUNT([Related Yields]) = COUNT([Related Yields][Yield Status]), "Finished", "In progress")

Hi dbaum,

Thanks for your help.

it's not about counting,


I need to auto fill the packaging status column (in process, waiting,finished) based on the child table another column in the below screenshot


If the last one in the same blend reference number is equal to "yes", then make the packaging status "Finish". 

If the last one in the same blend reference number is equal to "No", then make the packaging status "In Process". 

That's it


Are you wanting the Blend's [status] to update based on the status of the related Yields?

If so, maybe try this, although It's very hard to follow what you're saying, so this could be very wrong. Create a new Virtual Column on Blend, with a formula

IF( IN( "Yes" , [Related Yields][column to check for yes] ) , "Finish" , "In Progress" )

Hi Marc,

Thanks for your help, it's working only on the Virtual Column, I tried the same formula on the app formula on a regular column but it's not working. do you know why?

VCs evaluate on every sync. Real column App Formulas only evaluate when the record is edited.

I tried editing record and syncing and reloading the page and the value didn't change also of the real column


To be clear, the expression @Marc_Dillon provided should be in the column's App formula setting, not in the Initial value setting.

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