Initial value from a specific column of the last row of table....but filter results by the Ref

I have a table called Boreholes

Each borehole can have one or many Drilling Methods, which is a table ref by the [Borehole].[Unique_ID],

Each time i create a new Drilling methods row, i want the initial value of column [start depth] to be the LAST entry in the [finish depth] column where the [borehole] is the same. If it is the first entry then blank.

Is this possible? Do i make sense even?


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If you could elaborate a bit more about the relevant column names in respective tables, then the community could help you better. are the columns [finish depth] and [Start depth] in the drilling Methods table? Is the Drilling Methods table the child table of the Boreholes table?

Yes sorry. Correct, the start depth and finish depth column are both in the drilling methods table which is a child of the borehole table. 

Thank you. Such multirow expressions to search a value based on some criteria can be sync time expensive. Please explore below.

In the Borehole table , please create a VC called say [Related Finish Depths] with an expression something like 

[Related Drilling Methods][Finish Depth]

where [Related Drilling Methods] is the system generated reverse reference column in the Borehole table.

Now in the initial value of the [Start depth] column in the Drilling Methods table, please have an expression something like 

INDEX([Ref Column name that references Borehole table in the Drilling Methods Table].[Related Finish Depths],COUNT([Ref Column name that references Borehole table in the Drilling Methods Table].[Related Finish Depths]))

Please test well.



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