Inventory with uptdates

Hi, i want to make a simple inventory app.

The app consists in that i will have to scan a barcode from a medical device and put that code into an excel specific column and add a state for that code on a right column but in the same row, for example "entered". Then if i read the same code with my phone, the app will detect it and only enable a state change but it will not add the serial number again on the list, so there will be no duplicated serial numbers on the column.

Is that even possible in AppSheet?


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Yes, it is possible and actually easy to accomplish with AppSheet. I encourage you to spend few days reading the help guides, start to build your app and whenever in doubt, you'll find great help in this community. 

Start here: Get started - AppSheet Help 

Thanks! I got another question, if i have more than 25k registers to upload, does store all of them if i link them into an excel sheet? 

Yes, though Google Sheets platform is recommended for AppSheet over Excel. 

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