Is there a limit on the numer of charactes used for Tab Names?

I am new to Appsheet (1 .5 weeks and counting).

I am having a problems when defining Enum Data Validity with a Table Column
(See Below)

ej1: TG.099.ReferenceTables[Job_Rates]

When I use ej1 - the field does not show up on the forms view.

When I use ej2 - the field works fine in the forms view.


  1. Is there an Appsheet limitation on the number of characters that can be used to name a Sheet/Tab (from Google Sheets?)
  2. Is there a restricted name/variable that I may have tripped upon?

1-ej1 and ej2 refer to different Data Tables (Sheets) in the same file.
2-I verified the setting of each column is the same in both Data Tables.

0 6 121
  • UX

Appsheet permits certain โ€œnon-standardโ€ naming schemas, in the name of ease-of-use. However, I highly recommend sticking to simple naming schemas for Table and Columns. Use only letters, use underscores for spaces, no other special characters, and keep them short. Your life will be easier that way.


Thank you for the recommendation (will try to KISS itโ€ฆ).


  1. Is there any known issues of using โ€œ.โ€ instead of โ€œ_โ€ for spaces in names.


  1. I am new to Appsheets (1.5 weeks today). Old (dinosaur) engineer that uses calculators and spreadsheets.
  2. I used โ€œ.โ€ to keep the display name shorter on the screen.
  3. I also added the number .xxx. to the names to keep the auto-created UX view together in an organized way. There are a lot of UX autogenerated organized alphabetically and I find it confusing. The plan was to change the view name once the app was working. (Please let me know if there is any pitfalls in the logic).

Hello @Felix.P_Tong.

Thereโ€™s no mention of a limitation of that kind in the docs, and i have never heard of issues regarding that, did you check your column types? does your spreadsheet actually have data to display in those two tables?

I can confirm this, makes it easier to write expressions and navigate your own data structure later on.


Thank you for chiming in.

I check the columns and they have the same configuration.

The only thing that I changed in the JobRate Column is the column pointed to in Data Validation.

Any ideas?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Worksheets can be named whatever you want, but the name of the corresponding table in your app has limitations. Note that the app tableโ€™s name does not need to be the same as the worksheet.

The app tableโ€™s name should not contain any characters that have special meanings in expressions. Characters with special meanings in expressions include: &, *, (, ), -, =, +, [, {, ], }, ;, :, ', ", ,, <, ., >, and /. There may be others, too. In the past, the app editor allowed these without comment, but the names would cause problems when used in expressions. At some point, the app editor began complaining about special characters in table names. Most recently, I believe it will just remove the special characters without commentโ€“or maybe thatโ€™s just in slice names?

Spaces are allowed in app table names. Leading and trailing spaces will be removed. No more than a single consecutive space should be used internally (for instance, donโ€™t put two spaces between a pair of words, just use one space). Table names may not include tabs, newlines, or any other whitespace characters.

Generally speaking, your app table names should start with a letter or underscore (_) and include only letters, numbers, underscores, and spaces.


Once more, thank you for your prompt response.

As always, informative and to the pointโ€ฆ

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