Issue getting values for child record from reference record

I am creating a bot that will add a new invoice record and related invoice_item record.  When creating an invoice & invoice_item without a bot, the user adds an item to the invoice, then, in the invoice_item form, they select a product and values from the product record are copied into the invoice_item.  The bot is intended to enable multiple invoice records to be created as a batch.  The user will select multiple records and use an action item to store a new invoice_id and product_id fields in the member table.  This will trigger the bot.  My problem is in copying the invoice_item values from the product template.

I assumed the initial value formulas in the invoice_item fields would be applied in the bot, but they are not.  So, then I tried using formulas in the bot to populate these fields, but I can't find anything that works.  For example, I need the value of unit_price in the invoice_item record to be the value of unit_price in the product record referenced in the product_id field of the member record:

  • [_THISROW].[Product_ID].[Unit_Price]  
  • [Product_ID].[Unit_Price]. 
  • Lookup([_THISROW].[Product_ID], products, id, unit_price)
  • Lookup("Rw222g", products, id, unit_price). // using a hard value of a products[id] field.

None of the above are working as formulas to go in the invoice_item[unit_price] field.Any words of wisdom much appreciated!

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I assumed the initial value formulas in the invoice_item fields would be applied in the bot, but they are not. 

They absolutely should. 


Use that one.

Can you provide some more details about your setup? Screenshots always help.




Thanks.  I think I've narrowed down my problem to one issue: I cannot find a way to populate my invoice_item[Product] field.  When I create an action to create a new invoice_item, the product field doesn't get populated.  When i hard code a ref value, it works fine, but whenever the value is drawn from another table, in a lookup or select statement,  it does not get populated in the invoice_item[product] field. 

The invoice_items[product] is a ref field for the products table with suggested values of products[id].  I've tried storing the product ref value in a number of tables, I've tried a variety of Select and Lookup formulas and none of it works.  As long as the value is coming from another table and coming via a lookup/select statement, it doesn't seem to work.

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@RedVox wrote:

The user will select multiple records and use an action item to store a new invoice_id and product_id fields in the member table.  This will trigger the bot.

The "member" table is this "clubs" table that you're showing? How does the contract_template column get populated with a product_id? What exactly triggers the bot?


I've been trying different things.  I started out with a field in members table called product_template.   I thought the first action would be to use input() to ask the user to select the product_template and I would update the product_template field and one other that would store the UUID for the new invoice record.   But, for some reason, the Input() function keeps getting stuck about 50% of the time.  It raises the dialog but wont let you save the selection.  ( I know it's in beta, but...). So instead, I thought I would store it in the club record so that it's stored once instead of once per member record.  


Screenshots and more details please.

Okay, I think I got it working now.  The trick seems to be that, in my member table, where I was originally trying to save a product ref value, I needed to make that a ref field rather than an enum field with a ref value. I thought I would need to make it an enum so that the dialog input() generates includes radio buttons, but it turns out that if the suggested values are a list, input() generates radio buttons.   Once I turned it into a ref field, the problem went away.  It's weird though because when I look at the MySQL table, nothing has changed.  It's still a text field holding a ref value.  I think enum fields are at the root of all my problems that seem MySQL-specific.  

Two takeaways:  1) input() will use suggested values to determine the dialog it raises. 2) Whenever possible, avoid using enum fields when storing MySQL.  

Thanks for the effort and interest!

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