Issue with Bot Trigger: Unable to Execute Action Based on Condition

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Hello AppSheet Community,

I'm facing an issue with a bot trigger and would appreciate some assistance. I have two tables in my app:

1. Package List
2. Shipping

In the Shipping table, I can add a package order and have set up two actions:
1. Action 1: "Set the values of some columns in this row" (see screenshot)
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2. Action 2: "Data: Execute an action on a set of rows" (see screenshot)
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These actions work fine when executed directly in the Shipping table interface. However, I'm encountering a problem when trying to execute the "Delete_packagelist_sameorder" action through a bot trigger.

The bot trigger is set to execute when the status is "InTransit." The goal is to delete items in the Package List related to the same order. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work as expected.

I've attached screenshots of the bot configuration and the error message. As a beginner in using AppSheet, I'm struggling to understand the cause of the error. If anyone has insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate your help.
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Thank you!

0 2 62

Silver 2
Silver 2

Confirm that you have Wait for execution to complete enabled on the bot.


Sometimes one action can precede another since they are asynchronous unless you force one to wait for the other.

I have already turned on this feature, but the bot still displays the same error message.
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